Tuesday, August 14, 2012

King Harry and the Naked Olympians

England rocks!!

Well, it has been a glorious two weeks. I am a huge fan of the London Olympics and all that have arrived with them, save the ridiculous commercials of Olympics athletes chugging or consuming foods that we all KNOW they cannot possibly eat and still succeed in sport. I can wage that the gals from the U.S. soccer team do not drink a coke, stop off at McDonalds and then huff a bag of pretzel M&M’s on the way to practice.

Reports on the Olympics state that over six billion dollars will be returned on the initial investment put forth by Great Britain. Also, crime was down in London over five percent since the announcement of the Olympics arriving in the city. Detroit 2020 anyone? Flint 2024? Just a thought.

I had learned much in the first week of the games, but there are endless observations one can gather when the world crams onto one tiny island for the celebration of people doing exhausting physical activities for the pleasure of the folks back home sitting on the couch.

This leads to things I have learned or ponder about the Olympics, Part Two.

·         Legs or no legs, dudes from South Africa are nice-looking young men.

·         Is it too late to start training my kids to be Olympic athletes? Is sitting on your brothers’ head and passing gas an Olympic sport? Can it be? I want those kids on a Wheaties box even though I mostly purchase Cap 'n' Crunch.

·         To become the all-around Gold Medal winner for gymnastics, you must be outlandishly cute. Not cute, no medal.

·         The United States has a gold medal diver that looks like Jim Carey’s little brother.

·         After watching the opening and closing ceremonies, I am convinced the English are all on drugs.

·         Evidence that the English are on drugs is exemplified by the fact that they placed George Michael out there as a national treasure.

·         Monty Python is hard to explain to kids.

·         I miss Monty Python.

·         Based on the diminishing outfits, I predict that we will see naked running, diving, and beach volleyball at the Rio Olympics in 2016.

·         How did Jamaicans become so freakishly fast running in circles on that little island?

·         More evidence that the English are on drugs is supported by the giant octopus lit up during the closing ceremony. I often relate the English with the Octopi…..when??

·         Prince Harry should be King. Just cause. I mean, how cute is he???

·         I really want to go play on the mountain bike course.

·         I would really hurt myself on the mountain bike course.

Well onto Rio in 2016…I am hoping that by then they will add a new summer Olympic sport to the line-up…

 Napping. I could medal in napping.

1 comment:

  1. I find this post title humorous, especially given Prince Harry's recent state of undress in Las Vegas. Which also supports your English drug use hypothesis.
